
Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy 


Company name: Harry’s Home Holding AG
Adress of the company: Kaiserjägerstraße 2, 6020 Innsbruck
Trade group: Hotel Business
Regulating authority: Landesgericht Innsbruck, Member of the Tyrolean Chamber of Commerce
Commercial Register Number: FN 352074 g
Commercial Register Court: Innsbruck
Trade group: Hotel Business – VAT 73165326
Supervisory board: MMag. Christoph Pircher – Chair / Sonja-Sophie Ultsch – Deputy Chair/ Dipl. – Ing. Dietmar Ploberger – Audit Committee
Prokura: Valentina Ultsch – Prokurist / Marc Schönfeld – Prokurist
Managing director (CEO): Mag. Harald Ultsch

Account number:
Bank für Tirol und Vorarlberg AG
BLZ: 16000
IBAN: AT471600000100617021
UID: ATU 66119327

© harry’s home Hotels
© Daniel Zangerl Photography
© Dornbirn Tourismus Stadtmarketing GmbH

ADpartners – Advertising & Design
Universitätsstraße 15a
6020 Innsbruck, Austria

florianmatthias OG
Karmelitergasse 10
6020 Innsbruck, Austria

Web coding:
Axtesys GmbH
Burggasse 3
8010 Graz- Austria



Processing of your data within the GauVendi booking solution

We use a booking solution from GauVendi GmbH (Feuerwehrstr. 10, Frankfurt, Germany) on our website, which allows you to make a room booking according to your personal needs and allows us to view and manage the necessary information about your booking
The following data are processed:

  • Number of persons
  • Arrival and departure date
  • Booked room features and rooms
  • Booked additional services
  • Booking country
  • Other data relevant to the reservation and cancellation

The legal basis for processing is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b) GDPR, the fulfillment of the booking contract concluded with you, as well as Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f) GDPR, our interest in the optimal provision of additional options during booking and maintaining business relationships.

Additionally, we use a feature that allows us to display regional additional offers tailored to your location directly during booking. For this purpose, your IP address, which we obtain through your visit to our website, is used in shortened, anonymized form to obtain a rough estimate of your geolocation and offer you suitable regional additional options. Except for the temporary processing of your IP address for this purpose, no further processing of personal data takes place within this framework. The legal basis for this processing is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f) GDPR, our legitimate interest in displaying suitable additional services to you.

The data are processed for as long as necessary to handle the booking. Subsequently, relevant data are retained according to statutory retention periods and then deleted.
Furthermore, GauVendi assists us in evaluating website visitor data and further analysis. If you have given your consent via the cookie banner, Google Analytics is used, and this data is then shared with GauVendi. More detailed information on the processing by Google Analytics can be found in the corresponding clause in this declaration.

We have concluded a data processing agreement with GauVendi according to Art. 28 GDPR, in which we obligate the provider to ensure the protection of your data.

In the course of processing, it is possible that your data may be transferred to third countries. For potential transfers to third countries outside the EU and EEA, where no adequacy decision by the EU Commission exists, we have agreed on standard data protection clauses according to Art. 46 para. 2 lit. c GDPR with the respective recipient in the third country. These clauses obligate the recipient in the third country to process the data in accordance with the level of protection in Europe.

Further information about GauVendi can be found in the service provider’s privacy policy: https://www.gauvendi.com/data-protection.



Billing addresses of our hotels:

HH Hotel Ost GmbH

Standort: harry’s home Vienna Millennium Tower
Kaiserjägerstraße 2
6020 Innsbruck
UID: ATU67133906
FN: 372167f


HH Hotel Süd GmbH

Standort: harry’s home Hart bei Graz
Kaiserjägerstraße 2
6020 Innsbruck
UID: ATU61901357
FB: FN 265713f

Standort: harry’s home Villach
Kaiserjägerstraße 2
6020 Innsbruck
UID: ATU61901357
FN: 265713f

Standort: harry’s home Graz Smart City
Kaiserjägerstraße 2
6020 Innsbruck
UID: ATU61901357
FN: 265713f


HH Hotel Mitte GmbH

Standort: harry’s home Steyr
Kaiserjägerstraße 2
6020 Innsbruck
UID: ATU64910966
FN: 326567x

Standort: harry’s home Linz Urfahr
Kaiserjägerstraße 2
6020 Innsbruck
UID: ATU64910966
FN: 326567x

Standort: harry’s home Bischofshofen
Kaiserjägerstraße 2
6020 Innsbruck
UID: ATU64910966
FN: 326567x


HH Hotel Nord GmbH

Standort: harry’s xl-hotel
Kaiserjägerstraße 2
6020 Innsbruck
FN: 605722v


HH Hotel West GmbH

Standort: harry’s home Dornbirn
Kaiserjägerstraße 2
6020 Innsbruck
UID: ATU65305877
FN: 334624w

Standort: harry’s home Telfs
Kaiserjägerstraße 2
6020 Innsbruck
UID: ATU65305877
FN: 334624w

Standort: harry’s home Lienz
Kaiserjägerstraße 2
6020 Innsbruck
UID: ATU65305877
FN: 334624w


HH Hotel Deutschland GmbH

Standort: harry’s home Munich-Moosach
Bunzlauer Platz 5
80992 München
UID: DE294808671
HRB: 210061

Standort: harry’s home Berlin-Moabit
Bunzlauer Platz 5
80992 München
UID: DE294808671
HRB: 210061


Harry’s Home Schweiz AG

Standort: harry’s home Zurich-Wallisellen
Industriestraße 160
8957 Spreitenbach
UID: CHE-302.828.603

Standort: harry’s home Bern-Ostermundigen
Industriestraße 160
8957 Spreitenbach
UID: CHE-302.828.603

Standort: harry’s home Zurich-Limmattal
Industriestraße 160
8957 Spreitenbach
UID: CHE-302.828.603

Select hotel



Graz-Smart City

Hart bei Graz






Vienna-Millennium Tower













From 12 years

- +

Up to 11 years

- +